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Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer Assessment, Oh My!

Well summer is a little more than half over for me.  We start the Professional Development Days on August 1st and the kids come back on August 7th.  With that said next week all the wonderful kindergarten teachers I work with are getting together to work on plans for next year and to complete summer kindergarten testing.    We started doing summer testing a couple of years ago and it has been a real blessing when it comes to making the classes because we can better split up the high, medium and low kids so that their are good role models in each class which really has proven to benefit the children.  I am posting my latest update for the assessment we will be using next week.  The assessment is based on the common core curriculum and it is what I call a work in progress.  I hope that you can get some use out of it whether it be using the entire packet, just parts of it or getting some ideas of your own.

Keep enjoying your summer!!!  Try to stay cool in this hot weather.

Talk soon,