Monkey image

Monday, October 29, 2012

Storm Boredom and Ending Sound Sorts

Well we are waiting for the power to go out or the rain to get harder and according to the weather reports Hurricane Sandy is on the way.  So what should I do make a game or two for my kids at school.  

At our school we have been working on marking period assessments so that we can complete report cards and we are noticing that one problem that our kindergarten students are having trouble with is ending sounds.  They each have made so much progress but we still have lots to work on at school.  So I decided to take advantage of school being closed today and make a couple of ending sound games.  (I am doing it today in anticipation that tomorrow I might not have power or internet and I am going to need to find low tech entertainment).  

So here are the games so far.  If I have power there will be more, but for now I hope you can get some use out of these games.

Ending Sound Sort for G N T

Ending Sound Sort for L M B

Ending Sound Sort P K S

Ending Sound Sort for X R

Okay, now for a side note.  I have heard in the past that animals are sensitive to danger or that they have sixth sense about upcoming disasters.  Here is my blogging buddy and I am thinking that if animals are sensitive to issue or problems I don't have anything to worry about at this time.

My blogging buddy, Zoe, asleep in her chair next to my computer and desk.

 Zoe getting a little more settled in for a long nap during Hurricane Sandy.

Well for those reading this that are in the storms path, stay dry and safe.  For those not in the storms path keep those that are in your thoughts.

Thank you for stopping by my blog.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Is Just Around the Corner

Hi all do you ever feel like you are on a roller coaster and would like to get off for just a little while.  Well that has been this weekend for me so I decided to get a few things off my plate in order to slow the roller coaster down just a little bit.  Here are a few ideas for Thanksgiving that I am working on for my classroom.  I hope some of you find them useful for your class as well.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Turkey Place Value to 15 (Spaces and Places for Kindergarten)

Thanksgiving Place Value to 23 (Spaces and Places First Grade)

Thanksgiving Sequence Counting Backwards (123 Area for Kindergarten)

Thanksgiving Sequence Skip Counting (123 Area for First Grade)

Thanksgiving Ten Frame to 16 (How Many? Area for Kindergarten)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Upcoming Election

Hi all, I hope this finds you having a good, restful weekend.  Where I live it is starting to get cold (okay if you ask my brother it is starting to get cold).  Anyway I had some inside time today and started to think a little ahead about what my class would be doing during the month of November.  One idea I had was that with the election coming up I could have a theme on USA.  So below are some thoughts and games I made that my class could work on with a USA theme.  I want to thank Tammy @ "Dots" of Fun Clip Art and Nikki @ melonheadz illustrating for the wonderful clip art that I was able to use.

America Sequence Backwards (123 Area Kindergarten)

America Sequence Skip Counting (123 Area 1st Grade)

Ten Frame to 15 (How Many? Area for Kindergarten)

Bald Eagle Place Value to 22 (Spaces and Places 1st Grade)

Liberty Bell Place Value to 13 (Spaces and Places Kindergarten)

U Q Sort (ABC Area Kindergarten)

U Q Beginning Sounds (Card Reader Kindergarten)

Y Z Sort (ABC Area Kindergarten)

Y Z Beginning Sounds (Card Reader Kindergarten)

Hope you find these activities useful.
Thank you for stopping by my blog.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Spider Extras

Hi all, I was just sitting here and started playing on my computer.  I decided to make a few spider activities.  These are more for first grade at this time of year, but anyone who would like to use them please feel free.

I hope you find the helpful and fun for your class.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Itsy-Bitsy Spider Poem

Little Miss Muffet Poem

Spider ABC Order

Spider Sentence Scramble

Sunday, October 7, 2012

First Grade Common Core

Well I I feel that I have no choice but to talk about this book.  I teach both kindergarten and first grade classes and was able to get the kindergarten workbook and find it very useful.  The book has activities and posters that I can put up in my room that help support the common core standards.  The book has also helped me clarify what is meant by some of the standards, by giving activities that not only have helped the children learn but myself as well.

All that being said about the kindergarten book I know that the first grade book is just as helpful.  I find these books not only to make the common core easier to understand but it is helpful by giving ideas and activities that make a teacher's job easier.  I am lucky to have found these books and recommend them to other teachers.

Please take time to look at this First Grade Common Core book and think about getting it for your classroom.  All teachers need a little extra help and support and this could be that support for you in your classroom.

Talk soon,