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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

New Free Apps from ISTE 2015

Well I made it to day 3 of ISTE 2015.  Yes, I am already trying to figure out how to get to Denver next year for this conference again.  Since this is the first time I have attended ISTE, I can say it has been amazing as well as overwhelming.  The parts of the conference I have enjoyed the most are the playground areas, poster areas and the sessions that share free, yes FREE apps that I can use in my classroom.  I am going to tell you about two that you might have heard of before or not but I definitely think they are worth sharing.

1.  Aurasma:  

This is an amazing augmented reality app that brings kids work and ideas to life.  I have linked the website to this post, but it is used with and iPad device or on Google Play. One of the ideas that was shared during the session for this app was when you have students work hanging in the hall, record a short video of the student telling about the work and put the students picture under their project.  Create a sign that says "Best viewed in Aurasma" and tell the parents/adults to download the free app to their phone/device.  This will enable them to hear the students explain the work that is posted outside your classroom.  Please go to the website for a better explanation of how to create Aura and what all this wonderful app can do for you and your kids.

2.  Seesaw:  

This is a wonderful app that works like a "Learning Journal" for your kids.  Yes it is another FREE app.  What happens is the kids have six options to record/create their work on the iPad.  They then can submit it to the teacher for review and the teacher can write or record comments to the student about their work.  Alright for what I think is the best part is that it is SUPER kindergarten and first grade friendly.  You know those kids that aren't writing complete sentences yet or have a learning issue that makes writing words more challenging.  Well this wonderful app allows them to record their work with audio.  They can just talk about what they are turning into you instead of writing the words.  No worries when they are able to do the writing they are able to do this as well.  I just like the fact that we can give them options.  Okay here is the best for last:  The parents can create an account and view their students work.  How WONDERFUL is this feature?  So not only are you giving kids options for turning in their work you are also enabling parent communication on what the children are doing in class.  Go check it out.  I am already super excited to use this wonderful app next year in my classroom.  

Thanks for stopping by my blog.  So far so good with one of my goals of blogging more.  Yea me!!!!

I hope that you are able to use these apps and that maybe at least one of them was some new information for you.

Chat soon,

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Where Oh Where Have I Been and What Have I Been Up To?????

Well those of you that follow my blog might be wondering where I have been and what I have been doing since I have not blog since March.  I promise it was not by choice.

1. Grad School: I have been steadily working on my Educational Specialist Degree in Instructional Technology over the last two years.  I would love to do what some do and finish in a year or year and a half, but when you are a classroom teacher without a second pair of hands (meaning NO para) time is not always on your side.  So during the year I take one class a semester and during the summer I try to take two classes.  This summer I was ready to register for class only to find that the classes that I have left to take were not offered.  I decided to take it as a sign from above and take the summer off.  I have three more classes, but I really needed a break from always having something on my plate.  It has been the best decision I have made in a while.  I have used this time since getting done with my job (I don't like to use that word, I usually say school) to recharge, help my brother with the house we are renovating together, and just catch up on that looooong list of things that haven't gotten done.  Well things on that to do list are getting done and I am starting to feel recharged.

2.  Life: Things have not been bad just busy here as you can tell from number one.  I had to make some choices and this blog had to go on the back burner for a little while.  

3.  Blog:  Since things are getting accomplished and I am feeling more rested and creative I have give some serious thought to how I want to recharge this blog, get it going and share more ideas.  (This can count as Goal Number 1: revive this blog and write my daily or weekly reflections about teaching).

4.  TPT: Yes believe it or not I am a TPT author.  No I don't have in my store nearly what I want to but again refer to number 1 and 2 on my list.  (This can count as Goal Number 2: revive my TPT store and hopefully become a premium seller).

5.  Classroom: Even though I don't feel I have let my classroom drop like I have this blog or my TPT store I haven't really had the energy each day that I want with the kids.  (This is Goal Number 3: Add more life back into my classroom and show the kids that learning can be FUN and EXCITING).

6.  Back to the Grad School Thing:  Finish my last three classes.  (This is Goal Number 4:  When the classes I need are offered I will be finishing the degree)  (Secretly God knows best and I am glad for the break.  When the classes are offered I know it will be a time that I am ready to finish).

Well that is it in a nut shell.  Where I have been and What I have been doing- in front of a computer in school with either 5 year old kids (which is fun) or with adults in grad school (which I love learning but more stress than fun.)

So can I keep up with my goals (especially Goal 1, 2, and 3) I am going to give it every effort, because as I am sitting here typing this blog post I realized how much I miss reflecting, writing for myself and sharing ideas.

Thanks for listening to me vent.  Also, thanks for letting me put my goals out there.  Hopefully now that they are public I will be held accountable to them.

Chat soon,

P.S.  Just remembered the most important and exciting thing I have going on over the next two weeks.

1.  Starting Sunday June 28 I will be spending 4 days at the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Conference.  Yes I will be blogging about what I learned and sharing pictures and ideas that I get from the conference.

2.  Sunday, July 5 I will be leaving for a week is exciting Las Vegas.  I am attending the I Teach k/1st Conference from SDE.  (If you have never been before-GO-it is exciting and another great way to recharge with lots of other wonderful teachers).  Yes I will also be blogging about what I learn at this conference, sharing pictures and ideas.  (Shshsh-don't tell anyone but I also plan on getting in some more well needed relaxation time with a drink by the pool).