it is March Already!!!!
Well I know this is a miracle, but I actually have posted two days in a row. Today's excuse for posting is that we have a ice day and school was cancelled. I am also avoiding getting started on my graduate school project for the week. My goal by the end of the day is to have a good start, we will see if it happens. Think positive!
My posting is pretty self explanatory, but I am betting some of you are wondering about how I am loving an ice day. Most people are ready for warm weather and don't get me wrong I could use some warm weather as well, but things have been so crazy lately at school and home that having a down day or off day is going to be very much appreciated.
Well that is it for today, who knows what tomorrow will bring with a new post.
Have a great March and I hope everyone who has Spring Break in March is able to rest and relax some. Every teacher deserves the time.
Talk soon,