Okay one of my New Year's Resolutions is to write more for my blog, so I thought I would begin by joining my first linky party every. The party is from the blog "A Peach for the Teach" and I found the linky through another blog which was Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten. Okay so here goes my first linky post:
My biggest goal on the resolutions is to write more for this blog. I really want to increase the followers I have so that I have even more friends and teachers to share and get ideas from each day. Blogs I have found are a wonderful resource and have made me a better more created teacher for the wonderful kids in my class.
Thanks for taking the time to read this post and check out the other teachers blogs on their New Year's Resoulution, it hopefully will inspire you like it has me this past year and in the upcoming year.
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Chat soon,
Hi, Leslie! I've also been working on swapping diet coke for water. One of my friends did it and lost 25 lbs! I enjoyed reading your resolutions! Thanks for linking up! Happy New Year!