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Monday, December 9, 2013

December Fun and Snow Day

Okay who else had a snow day today or maybe this past Friday.  Well I was lucky enough to be among the snow day relaxation crew and what did I do-worked on school stuff or should I say tried to catch up on school stuff.  Yes by the way it is supposed to snow/sleet tomorrow and I am doing a the traditional things to get another snow day or should I call it catch up day 2. 

Anyway I just wanted to stop in for a minute and say hello to anyone reading this and share some of the things that we have been doing in my classroom.

In our math we have been working on 2-D shapes.  I looked through our math series and the word that came to mind was ‘boring’, so I decided on plan B.  First we made shapes our of popsicle sticks and then we used those shapes to make a craft.  The project is not complete as of yet but hopefully we should finish it the first day we are back in school after the snowy weather.  Here are a couple of pictures of our anchor chart and the beginning of our craft project.

Another exciting activity for the week or should I call it teacher holiday sanity activity is the elf arrived this past Monday.  Our elf’s name is Scout and he has been watching over us and bringing notes back about what he has shared with Santa.  One day the kids were so good that Scout brought stockings back from Santa for the kids to decorate.  Wow!

Well I am going to stop for now, since I haven’t heard about school tomorrow I guess I should get ready just in case the phone doesn’t ring in the morning.  (please ring, please ring, please ring)  Don’t get me wrong I love my job and love my class but the thought of catching up one more day sounds really good to me.

Enjoy your week and check back soon I hope to have some new free items to post soon.


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