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Monday, January 12, 2015

Liebster Award Nomination

Why and How long ago did you start blogging?

I started blogging in two years ago.  I began this blog for my team members at school.  I was always creating activities for our classrooms and it became easier to post them and then my team mates could print and use what they wanted instead of always getting emails from me each day.

What one word sums up the heart of your blog and why?

Sharing!  I have been following blogs for a long time now and once others (besides my school team) started following mine I realized that all the ideas I got from others I could pay forward.  So I like sharing ideas and activities as a way to pay it forward for all I have found on other blogs.

Is there something you learned late in your blogging journey that you wish you had known before?

Linking up with other blogs.  Recently I have been trying to do this more and found that I am getting more followers.  I wish I had started this earlier in my blogging journey.  Followers mean that I am hopefully paying it forward more.

What is your favorite pastime other than blogging?

I love playing on my computer, reading and crafting.  I have been in graduate school for the last year and a half and my blog along with other pastimes have not been a main focus.  I try to keep telling myself to get this degree completed and I can pick back up my fun pastimes.

How many hours per week do you dedicate to your blog?
As I stated earlier I am back in graduate school so I have had much blogging time but I am hoping to manage my time better so I can spend at least an hour or two a week on my blog. 
What category of blog posts do you enjoy the most?
Teacher blogs are the ones I follow most but I also love DIY blogs and art blogs.
Where does your blog inspiration come from?
My inspiration comes from other blogs and my classroom.  I have found lately since I am trying to blog more that I am looking at areas in my classroom that I can share with others.  I would like to write blogs about how I set up different areas in my room and how I teacher different concepts to my students.
Which post that you’ve written are you most proud of?

Probably the posts that I am most proud of are the ones I have done lately where I have been linking up with other blogs to share items.  One that I have done a couple of times is sharing my weekly plans with a linky from Mrs. Wills’ Kindergarten.

Is there any post that you’ve been planning to do but you’ve been postponing?

The two that I have been thinking about doing are a classroom reveal and a blog post about how I run my reading and writing work areas (I call them work areas others call them centers).

What is your favorite aspect of blogging?

Reflecting!  I have found that when I do a blog post I reflect more on what I am doing in my classroom, how I am doing it and why I am doing it each week.  This reflecting makes me feel more successful with my classroom children and more prepared each week.

Which recipe, project, or idea from my blog would you like to try yourself?

Linking up with other great bloggers to learn more and grow more professionally.

I now nominate the following 11 bloggers for the Liebster Award!

Mrs. R. Mathis @Mrs. Mathis’ Homeroom

Now that you’ve been nominated, you must do the following to receive your award:

      1.  In your post, link back to me, the blogger who nominated you, as a thank you and a ‘shout out’.
2. Answer the 11 questions I answered above.
     3. Nominate 11 bloggers that have less than 200 followers.  You         many give them 11 questions or they can answer the same questions you did.
   4. Let your nominees know they’ve been nominated and provide them with a link back to your post so that they can accept.
  5. Send your nominator a link to your post so (s)he can learn more about you as well. (You can just put your post link in the comments below.)

Thank you Chris from The Scoop in Second Grade for the Nomination.  This is a great way to learn about new blogs.

Post soon,


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